金字塔式销售;宝塔式营销 a way of selling things in which sb buys the right to sell a company's goods and then sells the goods to other people. These other people sell the goods again to others.
N-UNCOUNT 金字塔式销售,传销(一件产品经由很多级转售价格逐渐升高,但最后一级只能以低于进价出售) Pyramid selling is a method of selling in which one person buys a supply of a particular product direct from the manufacturer and then sells it to a number of other people at an increased price. These people sell it on to others in a similar way, but eventually the final buyers are only able to sell the product for less than they paid for it.
If the scheme appears to be a pyramid selling scam, have nothing to do with it. 如果这个计划看起来像是一个传销骗局,那就不要参与。
If the scheme appears to be a pyramid selling scam, have nothing to do with it. 如果这个计划看起来像是一个传销骗局,那就不要参与。
Xu Yuyuan, 47, has been unemployed since 2001. Since being fired by a local insurance company, reports claim he has been involved in pyramid selling schemes. 徐玉源(持刀伤人的犯罪嫌疑人),47岁,从2001起便被当地的一家保险公司辞退。有报道称他曾参与过传销活动。
Pyramid selling ( method of selling goods in which a distributor pays a premium for the right to sell a company's goods and then sells part of that right to other distributors) 金字塔式销售(商品销售方法,一经销商购得经销权后将部分转售给其他经销商)。
Criminal Law Amendment VII prescribes the crime of organizing, leading pyramid selling. 《刑法修正案(七)》设置了组织、领导传销罪,但关于传铕定性的《批复》仍未失效;
Our supreme court explains illegal pyramid selling as the crime of illegal business operation. 最高人民法院以《批复》的形式将情节严重的非法传销行为定性为非法经营罪。
They missed as obvious a trick as pyramid selling and to do that with people's savings is unforgivable. 他们没有察觉到如此明显的金字塔销售(pyramidselling)骗局,用人民的储蓄做这种事是不可原谅的。
Greatly endangering the economic order and the social stability, illegal pyramid selling is one of the prominent problems which occurred in the field of economic crimes in recent years. 非法传销活动是近年来经济犯罪领域新出现的突出问题,对社会经济秩序和社会稳定造成了极大危害。
The author hopes that the relevant research can make a certain contribution to some more important issues in pyramid selling crime of our country so as to provide the correct basis to the improvement of the relevant legislation and judicial practice activities. 希望笔者的相关研究能够对于明确我国传销犯罪中的一些较为重要的问题做出一定的贡献。从而为我国的相关立法的完善和司法实践活动提供正确的依据。
The second chapter analyzes the negative effect pyramid selling has to the construction of harmonious campus. 第二章,分析传销对构建和谐校园的消极影响。
Pyramid selling crime is a kind of crime that has great harm to our society at present. The more important problem is how to make criminal law for it. 传销犯罪是当前对我国社会危害较大的一类犯罪,对于如何对它进行刑法规制是一个较为重要的问题。
So for pyramid selling criminal legislation perfect, also from these aspects to narrative. 因此对于传销犯罪的立法完善,也从这几个方面入手。
Decided pyramid selling criminal includes two aspects, namely crime and not crime, this crime and those crimes. 传销犯罪的认定要解决的问题包括两个方面,即罪与非罪,此罪与彼罪的关系。
The fifth part studies the penalty application of organizing, leading pyramid selling activities. 第五部分对组织、领导传销活动罪刑罚的适用进行了研究。
The first part, by discussing the origins and development of Pyramid Selling, referring regulation of national law, it makes a distinction between Pyramid Selling and Direct Selling. 第一部分,通过对传销的起源和发展进行追溯探讨,参照国家现行法律的规定,对传销和直销做了明确的区分。
After that, the judicial organs have to handle the problem of judicial application on Crime of Organizing and Leading Pyramid Selling. 那么,在该修正案通过施行后,对传销行为触犯刑法如何正确适用组织、领导传销活动罪的问题摆在了司法机关的面前。
In this paper, the basic problems of crime pyramid schemes, analyzes the two different types of pyramid selling crime, sets out the composition and pyramid schemes and crimes of the law applicable to the related issues. 本文从传销犯罪的基本问题入手,分析了两类性质不同的传销犯罪行为,阐明了传销犯罪的犯罪构成和法律适用中的相关问题。
However, a large number of laws and regulations have been established by our country, it is still not enough to curb the trend of Pyramid Selling flooding. 虽然,我国也针对此制定了大量的法律法规进行规制,但仍不足以遏制传销泛滥的趋势。
Based on my concept note of this problem, this paper will focus on organizing or leading pyramid selling sin and read this new charge. 基于对于这一问题的关注,本文将对组织、领导传销活动罪这一新罪名进行解读。
In the economic sphere, pyramid selling is a deceptive economic illegal behavior, serious infringement of the property rights of citizens. 在经济领域,传销是一种带有欺骗性的经济违法行为,严重侵害了公民的财产权利。
The first chapter introduces the theory of pyramid selling, and analyzes the reason of its unstoppable power and the destruction to our market economic order. 第一章,对传销理论的概述,同时阐述了传销组织难以遏制的原因及对我国市场经济秩序造成的破坏。
The distinction problems between this crime and other crimes are very important, which is because pyramid selling crime often follows some other crimes. So it is easy to mix up the activities crime of organizing and leading pyramid selling with these crimes. 本罪与其它罪的区别问题是非常重要的。这是由于传销犯罪中经常伴随着其它一些犯罪,所以组织、领导传销活动罪容易和这些罪名发生混淆。
In this paper, on the basis of the Organization, leadership pyramid schemes sin to analyzes the constitutive requirements of pyramid selling. 本文以组织、领导传销活动罪为基础对传销犯罪的构成要件进行分析。
The organization, leadership pyramid selling in Criminal Law Amendment ⅶ marks a separate crime conviction pyramid schemes. 《刑法修正案(七)》中组织、领导传销活动罪的设立,标志着传销犯罪的单独入罪。
The author also discuses on sentencing some less serious organizers and leaders to probation and pardon; The sixth part puts forward perfect legislative proposals and explanations about regulating pyramid selling from the view of criminal law. 对情节较轻的组织、领导者判处缓刑和免刑进行了探讨;第六部分对传销行为刑法规制提出了立法完善建议并阐明了理由。
From the overall, the intention that lawmaker seeks to define a most reasonable crime circle is represented by the regulations of organizing and leading pyramid selling activity crime. 总体上来看,在规定组织、领导传销活动罪中体现了立法者力图划定一个最为合理的犯罪圈的意图。
This part analyzes objective aspect, subject of crime and subjective aspect of organizing and leading pyramid selling activity crime orderly. 这部分先后细致地分析了组织、领导传销活动罪的犯罪客体、犯罪客观方面、犯罪主体和主观方面。
This part involves sin number form problems of this crime and the distinction between this crime and some easily mixed-up crimes as well as accomplice form question and the applicable law issues of striking pyramid selling crime at present in our province. 这部分涉及到本罪的罪数形态问题以及本罪与一些易于混淆的犯罪的区别问题,本罪的共犯形态问题,以及目前我省在打击传销犯罪方面的法律适用问题。
Introduction overviews the development and harm status of pyramid selling in our country, also the problems in regulating pyramid selling crime in the judicial practice, and the research methods and significance about this issue. 引言概述了传销在我国的发展及危害现状、规制传销犯罪在司法实务中存在的问题及本课题的研究方法及意义。
The third chapter concerns about the reason why university students participates in pyramid selling. 第三章,对我国的大学生参与传销的原因进行分析。
This part clears off the concepts of pyramid selling, direct selling and illegal pyramid selling which are easily mixed-up. 这部分中对于传销和直销以及传销与非法传销等易于混淆的概念进行了梳理。